Painted Brain has partnered with Ability Central

by | Nov 10, 2023 | Past

Hello! Painted Brain would like to invite you to a FREE Disability Cultural Competency Training.

Painted Brain has partnered with Ability Central, a non-profit organization serving as an educator, convener, and resource for people with disabilities and their support communities to offer California’s Behavioral Health providers.

The project will provide culturally appropriate best practices and accessibility knowledge for behavioral health providers to increase their awareness and capacity to serve people with disabilities.

Our team seeks to identify behavioral health providers willing and able to take advantage of this enriching free opportunity!!

Project’s Purpose:

To provide culturally appropriate best practices accessibility training (virtually) for providers to increase their awareness and capacity serving individuals with disabilities.

Project Description:

Disability Cultural Competency expands practitioners’ knowledge of cultural competence that cultivates an inclusive and supportive social environment and, by extension, helps reduce stigma and discrimination in the larger community.

Project Content:

Two 4-hour training sessions, virtually. Training material will be available with access to slide decks, participant handouts, and videos that support the Disability Cultural Competency training.

Training Dates:

Monday, Nov 13 + Wednesday, Nov 15 from. 9 am-1 pm


Wednesday, Nov 29 + Wednesday, Dec 6, from 9 am-1 pm

Please fill out the following Registration form if you are interested!

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and share in the learning process with us!

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