Occupational Therapy


Welcome to Occupational Therapy at Painted Brain

Painted Brain creates community-based solutions to mental health challenges through arts, advocacy, and enterprise. Our occupational therapy services are designed to improve functional participation in meaningful activities, enhancing overall health and well-being.

About Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is a holistic, client-centered health profession that works with individuals or in groups of individuals across the lifespan to improve functional participation in meaningful occupations (i.e., activities) that contribute to one’s overall health and wellbeing.

Painted Brain OT services help clients experiencing functional limitations due to their mental health live meaningful lives by improving their ability to do the activities that they want to do, need to do, or are expected to do on a daily basis, while fostering the development of a stigma-free identity.

By focusing less on formal diagnoses and the labels associated with mental illness, clients receive individualized support to improve their mental well-being, self-efficacy, and as a result, work towards achieving their specific life goals.


Our occupational therapy services stand out as a holistic, client-centered discipline that not only aids individuals of all ages in fully participating in daily activities but also focuses on enabling better health and life satisfaction through unique therapeutic practices.


Like most aspects of the psychotherapeutic relationship, success in therapy is defined within the individualized relationship itself.  Success can include a reduction or better management of difficult mental health symptoms, recovery from trauma, deepening relationships with others or finding new levels of intimacy, making decisions and adjusting to the consequences, finding new daily practices that help us appreciate ourselves and our own unique preciousness, or myriad other self-defined outcomes.

Services for Adults

Our adult occupational therapy focuses on enhancing daily living skills, managing health conditions, and fostering greater independence:

  • Management of symptoms related to stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Sensory processing and arousal regulation
  • Improvement of energy and management of fatigue
  • Pain management
  • Development of executive functioning skills, including focus, attention, and problem-solving
  • Training in assertive communication and self-advocacy
  • Support for building self-esteem and self-efficacy
  • Guidance on independent living skills and daily routines
  • Enhancement of social engagement and community participation

Services for Children and Adolescents

Our services for young clients focus on developmentally appropriate interventions that promote growth and development:

  • Enhancing self-esteem and competence
  • Fostering self-regulation and problem-solving skills
  • Supporting parent and caregiver bonding
  • Managing routines related to sleep and feeding
  • Improving behavioral organization and attention skills
  • Encouraging participation in school and play activities

Sensory Based Intervention

Our sensory-based interventions are tailored to individual needs to help manage

  • Responses to sensory input and enhance daily functioning:
  • Education on the impact of sensory processing on regulation
  • Personalized strategies to adjust tasks and environments for comfort and functionality
  • Incorporation of sensory regulation strategies into daily routines

Let's Work Together

Let us help you by setting up a meeting with our development team.

We can consult and offer feedback and plenty of new ideas.

We can also implement programming for your team directly on site at your agency, housing site, drop-in center or in the community.

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