Community Justice Initiative
Rethinking the City Attorney’s relationship to Los Angeles
Artist Mentor Opportunity
The Painted Brain has partnered with the Neighborhood Justice Program (NJP) through the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office to implement an 8-week course of arts immersion for justice-involved participants.
This course seeks to foster empathy, interpersonal development, and personal responsibility while researching the efficacy of using arts as a restorative justice obligation option for participants who have committed certain misdemeanors.
The arts can provide a powerful outlet for addressing emotional and/or problem behaviors in the young offender population through opportunities to learn new skills, develop new talents, and express thoughts and ideas in creative and therapeutic ways.
Painted Brain partnering with the Community Justice Initiative Painted Brain is partnering with the Community Justice Initiative to include the arts as part of the restorative justice obligations for low-level offenders through the Neighborhood Justice Program.
The Painted Brain is seeking to recruit 8 artists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to participate in this exciting project.
Each artist mentor will facilitate a workshop that will address one of a set of key interpersonal skills using art and story-making as a mode of expression. Artist will co-lead and work with Painted Brain social workers .

We are looking to recruit artists who:
- Have a regular arts practice and a portfolio.
- Have a social justice orientation as a passion or arts practice.
- Can commit to providing one two or three-hour Workshop.
- Can attend an orientation meeting at Painted Brain to prepare and discuss specifics of the artist volunteer role
Selected artist mentors or receive a stipend of $60 for the workshop and will receive lunch when attending the group meeting at Painted Brain.

Since 2014, Painted Brain and Community Justice Initiative (CJI) have been going strong in developing a collaborative art engagement program where individuals with minor offenses serve their local mental health community instead of paying hefty fines and/or serving a sentence.
Director Camilo Cruz had envisioned a restorative justice program that was tied to the arts and naturally, Painted Brain was the perfect fit.
We’re currently working on a project together to build out an online platform that’ll empower participants with tech skills and enable community connections, and provide resources and live statistics around some of the most pressing issues we face as a society here in Los Angeles. Painted Brain sees its future in supporting this disenfranchised population of brilliant artists, professionals, activists, and individuals looking for a second chance to contribute something that’ll echo throughout Los Angeles. Reach out to us if you’d like to get involved in supporting our joint vision!