Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a dynamic relationship focused on the personal development of the client, whatever that might mean for each person who seeks it. 

For some it is about survival and coping with difficult life situations, or it can be about gaining and developing self-knowledge, improving relationships, developing and following through on personal goals, finding meaning and purpose, or understanding the impact of a mental health challenge. 

It might also be another source of support.

Dave leon listens to a person talk in a group
psychotherapy process

Like most aspects of the psychotherapeutic relationship, success in therapy is defined within the individualized relationship itself. 

Success can include a reduction or better management of difficult mental health symptoms, recovery from trauma, deepening relationships with others or finding new levels of intimacy, making decisions and adjusting to the consequences, finding new daily practices that help us appreciate ourselves and our own unique preciousness, or myriad other self-defined outcomes.

art group versus art therapy

Individual psychotherapy is a process that depends on the fit between the client and the therapist because the impact depends on the level of trust and openness of the client.  It can be emotionally painful and might lead to discussions of topics you have never talked about with anyone else or on allowing emotions that we suppress in other areas of our lives.

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How We Can Work Together

Contact Painted Brain for therapy through the community center or online through this portal (to be created).

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