Justice-Involved Training at Painted Brain
About the Training
Painted Brain’s 40-hour Peer Services for Justice Involved Specialization Training provides additional training that builds on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of Certified Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialists through self-reflection, skill building, practice sessions, and guided group exploration.Â
As an Approved Vendor, we know the importance of education.Â

Our 40-hour cohort-style training covers the 12 Core Competencies required for Specialization in Peer Services for Justice-Involved, including:Â

- Engagement Skills and Interventions
- Cultural Responsiveness
- Professional Boundaries and Ethics
- Community Reintegration Support
- Recidivism Risk Factors
And more…
Experience with the criminal justice system can impact an individual’s life in many ways, and it is best understood by individuals who have similar lived experiences.Â

Importance of Lived Experience
Experience with the criminal justice system can impact an individual’s life in many ways, and it is best understood by individuals who have similar lived experiences.Â
This training equips specialists to address the fact that our system often criminalizes mental illness and to advocate for real solutions based on lived experiences.
Peer Support Specialists may support individuals by linking to services that address behavioral health needs and preventing further involvement in the criminal justice systems, easing reentry into their community after incarceration.

Systemic Change
A new and better system is possible, and having Peer Support Specialists with lived experience at all levels of policy making is key to moving California on this issue.Â
The Los Angeles County Jail is still one of the largest in-patient treatment facilities for people with severe mental illness in the nation.Â
This fact points to the reality that our system criminalizes mental illness.Â
We need real solutions based on the lived experience of people who have been through the system. Painted Brain and our Justice-Involved Peer Training offer just that.Â

Class Start Dates:
Oct 1 – Oct 24 (TTh) 9:00 AM – 2:30 PM (4 weeks)
Cost: $950 per student.
**Currently, no scholarships are available for Justice-Involved Specialization but we do accept self-pay, employer pay, or CalMHSA vouchers.
Training Method(s):Â
Online only (LMS system plus virtual classroom)Â
Training Modality:Â
Cohort StyleÂ
Training Length:Â
Registration Dates:Â
Contact Person:
Tiffany Elliott, Training Program ManagerÂ
Phone: (213) 297-1513
Email:Â peersupporttraining@paintedbrain.org
(Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)