Customized Programming and Consultation
Turn your clients from service recipients to active participants in their own recovery and the recovery of others.
Audience - Partners
With a focus on community development, arts programming and advocacy, Painted Brain has partnered with dozens of local mental health agencies.
We help them conceptualize, design, and implement projects, special events, trainings and system development to integrate these concepts into new and existing projects.
Impacts on our Health and Well-Being
A famous study of support groups for women with breast cancer actually documented the extension of longevity for participants, in addition to increased coping and decreased isolation.
The effectiveness of support groups is closely tied to how openly members share their own experiences.
By fostering a space for sharing and connection, support groups offer substantial mental and emotional benefits.
Examples of Painted Brain’s work in Customized Programming:
Targeted trainings to help staff communicate more effectively with clients and employees.
Developing art events for a local continuation high school to foster artistic expression and community
Bringing a mental health lens to an art opening at a local art gallery.
Let's Work Together
Let us help you by setting up a meeting with our development team.
We can consult and offer feedback and plenty of new ideas.
We can also implement programming for your team directly on site at your agency, housing site, drop-in center or in the community.