Hindsight in 2020: Self-Care in Graduate School

Hindsight in 2020: Self-Care in Graduate School

I’ve just finished my first year of graduate school. I’m tired, fatigued, depleted, cranky, etc. The quarter system that my university chooses to run is utterly brutal. The marathon stretching from winter through spring, with the smallest of breaks in between, feels...
The Best Apps for Guided Meditations

The Best Apps for Guided Meditations

If you’ve ever started your day with a few minutes of meditation, you know the amazing benefits that a little time in stillness can have on our nervous systems. Meditation originated in India thousands of years ago and has been practiced by humans all over the world...
Meditation for Mental Health

Meditation for Mental Health

Currently, there are many different types of meditation techniques being used to manage mental health issues. Meditation is a great way to decrease stress and allow space for consciousness in an overstimulating world. Research has found meditation to help in those...

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