In a world of chaos and confusion, finding moments of solitude and connection with nature can provide a healthy and reflective way to navigate the pressures and stresses of daily life. Experiencing nature through solo travel offers opportunities to disconnect from the...
Coping with dementia presents individuals and their caregivers with distinct difficulties. While medication unquestionably plays a crucial role in symptom management, a comprehensive approach to dementia care acknowledges the essential value of non-pharmacological...
Ever caught yourself feeling a sense of euphoria while sauntering along a serene beach or embarking on a picturesque trail hike? You’re not alone. That’s nothing but the healing touch of Mother Nature at work. Interestingly, research attests to the...
To what extent are you familiar with your own self? Do you contemplate the reasons behind your actions? Engaging in self-reflection is an ability that can enhance your comprehension of your own identity. According to Angeleena Francis, LMHC, self-reflection entails...